Saturday 26 April 2008

Less Obvious Ways To Save A Marriage

There are some ways to save a marriage that might not seem to make any sense at first, giving space is one of them. It’s difficult to see what may be troubling a marriage when we are in the thick of it.

Seeking advice from others, especially an expert in marriage and counseling is crucial, if not only to gain perspective and to see the relationship in a new light. Sometimes we can suffocate a relationship without even knowing it.

Believe it or not, too much time together can sometimes be a bad thing. Spending quality time with each other is essential for building up a solid relationship. But there is a fine line between being attentive and annoying.

Too much attention and a demanding spouse can get annoying, which is why we sometimes need to change the way we act in order to save a marriage. It’s not uncommon for people changing to save a marriage.

These less obvious ways to save a marriage can be advised by a marriage expert.

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