Monday 11 February 2008

Breathe And Relax: There Are Ways To Save A Marriage.

Relaxation, composure and effective communication – ‘Yes, I’m, listening but how do I save my marriage?’ you maybe thinking. If you know that you’re not ready to talk, and by that I mean talk in a civil manner – don’t bother. Why make situations worse?

However, it would be far more beneficial if you could just compose yourself, take a breather, bite your lip and take control of your emotions.

This means, no raising your voice, no insults and no violent behavior. Try and stay in control of your emotions and avoid a shouting match even if your spouse is raising their voice. 9 out of 10 times your demeanor will rub off and your spouse will calm down.

It’s all well trying to save a marriage on your own, but it’s important to seek guidance and professional help to ensure that you have every bit of chance to save your marriage. Put it this way, if you need ways to save a marriage, help is out there.

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